Monday, May 23, 2011

Dream come true...

Ian has been interested in guitars for a very long time now and its something we've wanted to continue to grow in him.  This kid has so many guitar shirts its crazy!  One day I'm going to make a quilt out of all those shirts.  Anyway....for his birthday he had been asking for a guitar or money to put toward one.  We came up with a plan to make that happen.  After my WW meeting, I got Ian out of school for the rest of the day.  You should have seen the look of suprise on his face when I showed up.  I told him we wanted to take him to lunch.  A shake from Burger King was a good start to celebrating a birthday.  And it was even the BIG one!

After doing a couple of errand things, we said we had one more stop to make.  Little did Ian know that it was at a music store called the Rock Shop.  As we walked in and told the guy behind the counter that we were there to look at guitars, Ian's eyes kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  As did his smile.  :)

This is the face of a boy who has just realized that he is getting a guitar for his 10th birthday.  He couldn't stop smiling.  And frankly, neither could I.  :)  We showed Ian his options....and the $3999 electric base WASN'T one.....and it took him all of 3 seconds to chose his guitar.  He knew that it was the right one.

So for this birthday, we chose to make an investment.  An investment in Ian's future as a great guitarist.  One that we know he can fulfill.  He already spends time in his room practicing the cords he's learning.  (guitar lessons provided by a friend of ours)  I'm so proud of him.

One of my favorite moments of the day was when Ian said to me...."Mom......(yes, he slipped back into MOM) made my dream come true.  Thank you."  You're welcome Ian.  Thank YOU for making my dream come true.  I love you!


  1. Rock it Ian! That is awesome! Congrats on the start of something new!

  2. How sweet!! Loving the photos! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)):):)

  3. Happy Birthday to Ian. That is awesome, what a great gift. My husband is a avid guitar player and so is my step son. it's a wonderful talent to have. =)

  4. This made me tear up. He is growing up way to fast. Man I miss you guys.


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